Do not depend on drugs to produce
sleep. The cause of insomnia is either physical or mental. Drugs
assist nature but, in themselves, cannot cure. If there is a physical
reason for sleeplessness, the best medical aid should be secured to remove
the cause ; but if mental, as the result of sickness, sorrow, or
overwork, all depends upon the person's common sense.
Fear is the fundamental cause of
sleeplessness. After one sleepless night, we fear the next night's
coming. We suggest to ourselves that there is a possibility of
another sleepless night ahead of us and
subconsciously we register the thought.
We are seldom disappointed and begin, then and there, to form a
habit of insomnia with its resulting ill-health and intense
The child may be taught to fall asleep
at a certain time and, unless over-tired or positively ill, may be
depended upon to be true to the habit. He has no distressing thoughts
or fear. It is time to
sleep and he sleeps. We go to bed
over-tired or excited and take with us the cares and worries of the
day. How can we expect a dreamless and refreshing slumber?
I once assisted a noted nerve
specialist in caring for a woman suffering from a nervous breakdown.
She had not slept in four days and nights and at the end of that time
was so weak that I dared not
so much as move her pillow. She begged
for an opiate but the doctor told her if he gave her even one dose of
"forgetting" medicine she would curse him. He would teach
her to control her nerves as
completely as they now controlled her.
The breakdown had come gradually. At
first, when she did not fall asleep readily after retiring she would
sit up and read. Then she read in bed, always with one of those
clocks on a table at her bedside. Then
she possessed herself of a flashlight and would watch the clock to
see just when she became sleepy. Often it was two or three o'clock in
the morning before she would cease to listen for the striking of the
numerous clocks in the house. Eventually she turned night into day
and took up china painting. She could paint at night as the gas light
did not change
the china colors perceptibly. Sleep by
day was next to impossible, hence the breakdown.
She was restored to health and normal
ways of living by simple and practical methods.
She was fed light, nourishing food
every three hours: liquid peptonoids, broth, and malted milk. Later,
when her stomach could digest them, solids were added. All clocks in
the house were stopped ; time was forgotten. She was persuaded that
time or sleep did not matter, so long as she was comfortable and
resting. No harm would come to her if she did not sleep. She feared
she would become insane if she did not. She absorbed sounds. Cars
blocks away would set her nerves
vibrating. She would lie in fear after
the passing of one trolley, car, dreading the approach of the next
one. To overcome this, we placed a Victrola two rooms away and played
softly over and over
again a Venetian Trio record. She said
afterward she just had to go to sleep to get rid of hearing "The
Sweetest Story Ever Told."
If you wish to overcome insomnia don't
crowd your days too full of excitement, your stomach with
indigestable food, or drink strong tea or coffee. Have your bed
comfortable and your room well
aired. Learn to leave your worries
outside your bedroom door just as they did their shoes in the "good
old days." They are sure to be there in the morning. Cultivate
sane methods in your habits of life just as you do in your business,
if you wish to lay up riches of good health and pleasant dreams.
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