Monday, June 3, 2013

How to Pick Up Women

Create interest

Being the "Nice Guy" is the absolute worse thing to be if you want to attract a woman. Being a jerk takes you little bit further because at least you assume high status (to a sertain degre) but it can only take you that far.

And only with a sertain type of women. Also ask yourself, how does it make you feel? Do you want to be an jerk? How long do you think she will want to be around you?

So, how to get out of that "Nive Guy" trap? No, first let me explain to you why she is not attracted to you when you are the "Nice Guy".
Put yourself in her situation. Imagine that you are a female. From your early teens guys have been hitting on you and by now you have realised that most guys only want one thing. And that is sex. And the nicer they are the more they want it. Sure some might even be in love with you and thats when they start to get really pathetic.
How attractive do you think that is? Anything that is too available loses its value. Therefore, to attract a woman you will have to challenge her. Make her work for your attention. That will increase your value tremendesly.
If you really examine yourself you will understand what I mean. Women are no strange creatures with a psychology different from us guys. Their cirkumstances are only a bit different. If you would constantly be sorrounded by women who wants to have sex with you, you would become quite picky too right?
If your trying to attract a woman you will have to demonstrate that you are a challenge. So, how do you do that? Simple, by creating a strict set of standards. You will ONLY do things that comply with your personal code. If they disrespect you or do not live up to your expectations you should challenge them. This is called integrity.
You might feel rude but this is crucial to attract women. This doesn't neccersarily mean that she will be with you (for a million different reasons: her boyfriend just left her, she's getting married and so on), so why take it personal? There are a lot of women out there. And if you play your cards right, some of them will want to be with you.
Since a woman has many different options you will have to stand out from the crowd of average guys offering to sleep with her. Being too nice, the woman will walk all over you. Being too much of a jerk will only make her turned off by your arrogance.
However, the biggest mistake you could do is to be average. Being overly polite, agreeing with everything she says and only talking about safe topics will get you nowhere, except straight into the "friends zone". You have to find a way to stand out from the crowd. Think about it. If you werent so shallow that looks meant everything, what more would turn you on in a woman? No I'm not talking about her boobs (you're thinking about boobs now aren't you, yeah me to).
If you want to stand out from the crowd you will have to be exciting and interesting. When talking to a woman you have to take some risks. Ask interesting questions, make sexual innuendos, playfully tease her.
But this is not enough, you'll have to stand out from the norm and become unique. You can't be afraid that she will be offended by your behaviour. If she is (and you didn't act as a complete jerk) she has no sence of humour. Time to move on...
Also, to attract her, you need to be a "busy guy". Women are attracted to men that have exciting and interesting lives. When you do call her (after getting her phonenumber) let her know that you have a lot happening next week.
Tell her that you want to see her but "things have been crazy" in your life. Be vague but make it sound interesting. When you set up plans with her for the date, cut the conversation short. Tell her that you have a lot of things to get done. When you do go on a date with her mention all the activities that you are into.
By demonstrating that you have an active life, will make the women attracted to you, but remember to to make it clear for her that you want her to be a part of it.
Don't wait three or seven days to call her. Actively call her and set up dates. Don't play cool and distant because then just someone else will take the oppurtunity to be with her. She have to understand that you are interested in her.
However, if she doesn't return your calls she is not into you and you should stop. Otherwise you become just another stalker. The keyword is balance. Be available but not too available. When it comes to women you (usually) will be the one who needs to take the initiative.

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