large majority of chess players who would like to improve their game,
have not the necessary opportunity of pitting themselves against
players of master-strength, or at least of obtaining the desired
instruction from personal intercourse with them. It is for such
players that the present work is intended. The books on which the
learner has to rely hardly ever serve his purpose, being mostly
little more than a disjointed tabulation of numberless opening
variations, which cannot be understood without preliminary studies,
and consequently only make for confusion. In the end the connection
between the various lines of play may become clear, after the student
has made an exhaustive study of the subject, but very few would have
either the time or the inclination for such prolonged labour.
another shorter and less empirical way must be found in which to
acquire the understanding of sound play. My system of teaching
differs from the usual ones, in that it sets down at the outset
definite elementary principles of chess strategy by which any move
can be gauged at its true value, thus enabling the learner to form
his own judgment as to the manoeuvres under consideration. In my
opinion it is absolutely ESSENTIAL to follow such strategical
principles, and I go so far as to assert that such principles are in
themselves SUFFICIENT for the development and conduct of a correct
game of chess.
though instruction in chess is possible on very general lines alone,
yet I think it advisable and indeed necessary to explain the
application of such principles to the various phases of each game of
chess. Otherwise the learner might unduly delay his progress, and
lose valuable time in finding out for himself certain essentials that
could more profitably be pointed out to him.
regard to the way in which I have arranged my subject and the form of
its exposition in detail, I have thought out the following plan.
discussing at length the leading principles underlying sound play, I
have first treated of the OPENINGS, in which such principles are of
even more deciding influence than in any other stage of the game, as
far as could be done on broad lines without having to pay attention
to middle and end-game considerations.
proceeded as follows, by taking as my starting-point the "pawn
skeleton" which is formed in the opening, and round which the
pieces should group themselves in logical fashion. As a consequence
of the pawns having so little mobility, this "pawn skeleton"
often preserves its shape right into the end-game. Applying the
general strategical principles to the formation of the pawn skeleton,
the learner acquires the understanding of the leading idea underlying
each opening without having to burden his memory. Not only that, he
will also be able to find a correct plan of development when
confronted with unusual forms of opening.
most important result of this system of teaching is that the learner
does not lose his way in a maze of detail, but has in view at the
very outset, the goal which the many possible variations of the
openings are intended to reach.
I could proceed to the discussion of the middle game, I found it
necessary to treat of the principles governing the END- GAME. For in
most cases play in the middle game is influenced by end-game
considerations. Here also it has been my endeavour as far as possible
to reduce my subject to such principles as are generally applicable.
as regards the MIDDLE GAME, to which the whole of Part II is devoted,
I have again made the handling of pawns, the hardest of all problems
of strategy, the starting-point for my deliberations. I have shown at
length how the various plans initiated by the various openings should
be developed further. To ensure a thorough understanding of the
middle game, I have given a large number of games taken from master
play, with numerous and extensive notes. Thus the student has not to
rely only on examples taken haphazard from their context, but he will
at the same time see how middle-game positions, which give
opportunities for special forms of attack, are evolved from the
has been my desire to make the subject easily understandable and at
the same time entertaining, and to appeal less to the memory of my
readers than to their common sense and intelligence. I hope in that
way not to have strayed too far from the ideal I had in mind when
writing this book, namely, to apply to chess the only method of
teaching which has proved productive in all branches of science and
art, that is, the education of individual thought.
I have succeeded in this, I shall have the satisfaction of having
contributed a little to the furthering, in the wide circles in which
it is played, of the game which undoubtedly makes the strongest
appeal to the intellect.
This is an excerpt of the ebook Chess Strategy. Download it for only $ 1,99!!
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